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15 Hilarious Photos of Adorable Dogs being Silly

Photo Credit: Reddit

Sometimes it feels like dogs exist simply to brighten people’s days. They just seem to have an uncanny ability to make us smile — and laugh — no matter what.

Here are 15 hilarious photos of precious dogs in their derpiest moments.

1. This gruesome sight almost gave his parents a heart attack… until they realized he smelled like strawberry jam.

Photo Credit: Imgur

2. This pup has ways to cool down even without a pool.

Photo Credit: Reddit

3. Go home everyone, this pup has won the costume contest.

Photo Credit: Imgur

4. This might be the fluffiest hat in existence.

Photo Credit: Reddit

5. This pup has a talent for finding the perfect napping spot.

Photo Credit: Reddit

6. “OH NO YOU DIDN’T!!!”

Photo Credit: Imgur

7. This pup looks happy with his catch.

Photo Credit: Reddit

8. This pup is just the cutest workout buddy you can have.

Photo Credit: Reddit

9. “Don’t mind us, we’re just chilling here.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

10. We don’t know what he’s doing, but we’re hoping he gets it.

Photo Credit: Reddit

11. This pup has a weird way of responding to his owner.

Photo Credit: Reddit

12. “If I fits, I sits.”

Photo Credit: Reddit

13. Dogs seem to enjoy looking fiercer than they are. This one stole the head of a dish brush.

Photo Credit: Reddit

14. This husky got more wind than he was asking for.

Photo Credit: Reddit

15. This puddle of aww is asking for more cuddles.

Photo Credit: Reddit

These are just some of the best girls and boys, and they only want to brighten your day!

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