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Caught On Camera: Late Dog’s Ghost Visits Mom [Video]



  • A woman has been capturing footage of orbs around her home through security cameras.
  • One day, she noticed that one orb very much resembled her late dog, Mush.
  • She believes that Mush, who never left her side when he was alive, continued to stay with her.

Everyone deals with loss differently. For most people, remembering the happy moments can help with healing broken hearts. For TikTok user @Creativesoulassassin, a ghostly visit from her late dog certainly brightened her day.

Photo Credit: TikTok/creativesoulassassin

She said that she rescued Mush back in 2009 and lost him last year.

She noted that Mush never left her side since he came into her life, and she recently realized that he never left her even in death.

Watch the footage below to see what she means:

She has previously shared footage of several orbs of light being captured by her home’s security cameras. But this was the first time that she noticed a resemblance with her late dog.

Some people may find it hard to explain or even doubt the video’s authenticity. But @creativesoulassassin believes that the orb looked like the face of her late dog. Her beloved Mush stopped by to visit! And believing that definitely warmed her heart.

Photo Credit: TikTok/creativesoulassassin

Several viewers shared their experiences with their beloved dog babies.

One commenter, @mikestarner99, shared, “That is the sweetest thing ever! My girl died in August and I miss her so much, I dream of her but I’d love to see her spirit.” Mush’s mom, @creativesoulassassin, replied: “When you dream of her, it’s because she is visiting you. Same with loved ones.”

The video also helped comfort several people who were missing their furry loved ones. Viewer @Karrynransom shared, “my sweet dog died today. Your video is exactly what I needed to see. He will never leave my side.”

Mush is truly a sweet and loyal dog!

Source: Pet Helpful