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Cute Animals

Cats That Try To Sneak Into Museum Every Morning Were Given Special Access [Video]



  • Two cats have established a daily routine with a museum guard since 2016.
  • The two cats “sneak” into the museum and the favorite guard tries to thwart their efforts but not without giving them chin rubs first.
  • Now, the two cats are internet sensations due to their routine and have also gained special access to the museum.

In 2016, the Onomichi City Museum of Art featured cat photography in its exhibit.  For an unknown reason, for the duration of the exhibit, stray cats would visit every day.  When the exhibit ended, two cats continued the daily habit — Go-Chan and Ken-chan.

Go-Chan is a big orange cat while Ken-chan is jet-black.

And since 2016, they have also established a routine with one of the museum’s security guards.

The routine would be both cats trying to sneak inside the museum without a ticket and the guard would stop them from slipping in.  But not without giving the two cats chin scratches.

The cats only do this routine with that one guard.  Go-chan would not show up if it is not that specific guard.  Ken-chan would only take a peek and stay outside the museum when that guard is not on duty.

Photo Credit: @bijutsu1

But when the coronavirus pandemic happened, the two cats did not miss a day of guarding the museum.  It’s as if they knew they were needed.

Photo Credit: @bijutsu1

Go-chan and Ken-chan do have homes but they like to stick with their routine with the museum guard.

The museum’s photos and videos of the “daily drill” have already gained a huge online following. Ken-chan even has a special collar with the museum’s logo and Ken-chan and Go-chan merchandise are sold at the museum’s gift shop.

Photo Credit: @bijutsu1

Who would have thought that Ken-chan and Go-chan’s relationship with the guard would allow them special access to a place they used to trespass on?

Source: Inspire More