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Christmas-Loving Senior Cat Gets Magically Decorated Tree

Photo Credit: Shawn Meyer

When you are a 17-year-old senior cat, you can very much live life according to how you like it. If you want to have a Christmas tree all-year-long and live on it, then so be it. Just look at Luna.

Ever since Luna was a kitten, her favorite time of the year has been Christmas.

As her mom Shawn Meyer shared, “[She’s] always hanging around the tree, and curious about the decorations. She doesn’t ever attack the tree.”

Luna is obsessed with the Christmas lights. Every year, she would explore every setup. And when it was time to take them down, she would stare at them as if wondering why it had to be pulled out.

Photo Credit: Shawn Meyer

Now that she is a senior cat, the family has thought of how long Luna still has. So they decided to make it feel that it is Christmas all throughout. They decorated Luna’s special cat tree with branches, leaves, and permanent Christmas lights.

Meyer said, “The idea to install lights permanently was a spur-of-the-moment thing. We got the rainbow curtain lights as a gift, but we have no curtains. After thinking on it a bit, I realized we have the perfect place for them where they’d be appreciated.” 

Luna naps somewhere else, so the family decided to turn Luna’s tree into a magical place.

Photo Credit: Shawn Meyer

As Meyer related, “She is deaf, so she slept through the whole installation of the new lights. So it really was a surprise to her. And she looked quite pleased!” 

With the dazzling lights on Luna’s special tree, it now seems like Christmas the whole year for Luna. It has become her favorite place and this is where she spends all her time now! She even prefers to eat her meals there. 

With Luna’s obvious joy in what they were able to provide her with, Meyer says, “It’s every bit of happiness and comfort we could think to give her, and she basically lives in the tree now.” 

Photo Credit: Shawn Meyer

Luna’s delight even made Meyer create a magical story in her mind about a senior cat who loves Christmas so much that fairies transformed her cat tree into a magical and twinkling wonderland.

Meyer posted this tale on Facebook and is in the process of writing about Luna and her magical tree for a children’s book.

Photo Credit: Shawn Meyer

Luna is living her golden years amid the sparkle of the fairy tale lights of her tree.  It is a privilege bestowed only to a special few. And Luna deserves it.

Source: The Dodo

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