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Couple’s Quarantine Project: Recreate Famous Movie Scenes



  • A couple in Hungary puts on epic costumes trying to put smiles back into the faces of their online audience.
  • The two decided on recreating scenes from their favorite movies using wigs, outfits, props and their wit.
  • Their end goal is “to put a smile on people’s faces during these hard times.”

The community quarantine in effect due to the global coronavirus pandemic could mean that people have more time in their hands, free to get their creative juices flowing!

Fanni Kovacs and Hosszú Norbert from Pécs, Hungary put up shows for a living. Both are professional performers and entertainers and this community lockdown, even if this means being cooped up inside their house, will not stop them from donning epic costumes. This is what they are known for anyway, the couple wearing different costumes for different affairs.

The two decided to start another show, this time inside their house. Fanni and Hosszú miss performing on stage, out in the open to entertain the world, but this would have to do for now. Both of them are big movie fans, so their plan for their show was to recreate scenes from their favorite movies!

Facebook | Fanni Kovács and Hosszú Norbert

“I am a huge movie buff, and Norbi loves movies from the ’70s and ’80s, so our love for the craft is what inspired this series,” Fanni said. “When we were still at university, we loved dressing up whenever we had the chance, so thanks to those days, we have had a lot of accessories and costumes.”

Facebook | Fanni Kovács and Hosszú Norbert

These two are now stuck at home, but before the lockdown ensued, they managed to stock up on costume staples for them to continue their theatrical works. The wigs, outfits, and props made their movie recreation project possible!

Every other prop, they had to improvise to make their project work. No boxing glove? No problem! Their oven mitt will do the trick just fine.

Facebook | Fanni Kovács and Hosszú Norbert

“We mainly choose themes for the series based on which setting we can pull off and which is relatable to the topic of quarantine in general,” Fanni added. “We have been thinking about something like this for quite some time, but now we finally have plenty of time to make it happen.”

Facebook | Fanni Kovács and Hosszú Norbert

This is not the first time these two arranged it so they could give back to their community. Hosszú participates in the highlight of Comic Relief, Red Nose Day as the Red Nose Clown Doctor. He visits children in hospitals, trying to put smiles back into their faces. The lockdown has not stopped him from his charity works either, he just switched to online visits instead.

Facebook | Fanni Kovács and Hosszú Norbert

See now, their end goal is simple. They want “to put a smile on people’s faces during these hard times.”

Facebook | Fanni Kovács and Hosszú Norbert

Mission accomplished!

What an enjoyable quarantine project these two came up with. Even more impressive, they sure know how to use their talents to bring smiles back in the faces of those who need it at this time. Great work, you two!

Source: Inspire More