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COVID-19 Tale: Bus Driver Helps Lost Passenger See Her Mom In Nursing Home



  • Jacqueline Mason got on the wrong bus on her way to visit her mom at the Bradley Nursing home.
  • She told her bus driver Alec Bailey who then went off route to deliver her to the home.
  • Fellow passengers amazingly gave their permission to go off course to reunite mother and daughter.

COVID-19 has brought a lot of chaos into our lives.  But in the midst of all the “bad” happenings, some good tales slip through and we get to meet real-life heroes.

Meet bus driver Alec Bailey. He went off route just to deliver a passenger who got lost on her way to visit her mother in home care.  Even the other passengers on the bus willingly gave their permission to accommodate a fellow passenger’s need.

It all started with Jacqueline Mason getting on the wrong bus on her way to her 30-minute Bradley Manor nursing home visit to her mom. As she realized her mistake, she cried and told Alec Bailey, her bus driver, her predicament.

Photo Credit: BBC

Alec said, “A lot of people have suffered this year and you’ve seen on the news, people not able to see their mother or their father in the homes, and it just struck a chord with me. I just said to myself, I have to get this woman as close as I can to that home.”

Alec said he had to take a detour to help the mother and daughter be together but he had to explain things with his other passengers first.

In unison, they all agreed to his plan and so off they veered off the route and dropped Jacqueline to her mom in the nick of time!

Photo Credit: @G15buses (Twitter)

In just a day, Jacqueline was brought to tears twice.  One for missing the right bus. And two, for Alec’s and her fellow passengers’ amazing deed.

Jacqueline said, “He’s made my Christmas and he’s made my year. I can’t thank him enough.” Every single passenger on the bus is a hero too, she added.

Alec’s act of kindness landed him on the news but he did not know about it until his daughter told him.  And for all the praises that he has been getting, for him, what matters is “the smile and the joy on her face just said it all and I was just so pleased. It was just a nice, magical moment. It was just the right thing to do.”

What a true hero!

Source: Inspire More