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Dog Surprises New Foster Mom With A Tiny Pup Days After Being Rescued



  • When foster mom Kaitlin Devoto came to pick a dog she was going to foster, she did not know its gender or age.
  • Four days after she brought the dog home, it gave birth to a single male puppy that looked like a chicken nugget.
  • Chicky the pup will be adopted when he turns 8 weeks old while momma Mickey is eligible for adoption next month.

Experienced foster mom Kaitlin Devoto had no idea what breed or gender of dog she was getting save for the information that the pup was rescued from a puppy mill.

Devoto said, “I didn’t know a gender or age. The first time we knew what she looked like was when she arrived in Cincinnati when I picked her up.”

She noticed that the scared and skinny female standard red poodle was producing a little bit of milk.  She just chalked it up to a recent birth as even when they are still nursing at a puppy mill, their puppies are separated from them. 

Photo Credit: Kaitlin Devoto

Devoto scooped the dog and promised to give it nutritious meals and love and brought her home.

And after just four days, she woke up to a tiny poodle puppy with her foster. Upon checking she found out it was a singleton baby.

She immediately put warm blankets in the crate to make both mom and puppy comfortable.

Photo Credit: Kaitlin Devoto

She was happy to discover that the mom gave birth to a healthy male puppy that looked like a chicken nugget.

Devoto said, “He was very quickly named Chicky Nug. But I was stumped on a name for Momma that fit the same theme.”

Friends suggested Mickey D for Momma after McDonald’s and shortened it to Mickey.

Photo Credit: Kaitlin Devoto

The mom and puppy duo ended up as Mickey and Chicky.  They have blossomed under Devoto’s care and at 5 weeks, Chicky has developed into a fun and sassy puppy who loves running around and doing zoomies. Devoto added, “And he’s very interested in biting toes and toys.”

Mickey on the other hand has learned to shed her nervousness and is gaining confidence.

When Chicky turns 8 weeks old, he will be adopted into his forever home while Mickey will be up for adoption next month through Louie’s Legacy Animal Rescue.

Photo Credit: Kaitlin Devoto

Devoto will be sad to let them go but she will forever cherish the time that they have been together and she was able to show the mother and puppy the love they deserve.

Source: The Dodo