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Dog Won’t Let Best Friend, A Mini Pumpkin, Out Of Sight [Video]



  • When Mondu was still a puppy, his mom gave him a pumpkin and he liked it a lot.
  • Three years later, seeing that Mondu has a soft mouth and is gentle with the things he carries in his mouth, his mom thought of giving him a mini pumpkin again.
  • The dog loves the pumpkin like a friend and goes everywhere with it. 

Yes, you read it right.  A 3-year-old mixed Labrador/Rottweiler dog named Mondu is inseparable with his best buddy, a mini pumpkin.

Nicolette James, Mondu’s mom, said that the idea of giving the pumpkin to the pup came to her when she observed that the pup has a very soft mouth and is gentle with things.  And just like typical Labradors, Mondu loves having and carrying things in his mouth. The pup would also not eat the pumpkin.  Having it near would be enough for him.

James also remembered that when Mondu was still a puppy, she gave him a pumpkin and the pup liked it.

This time, Mondu not only liked it but loved it.

The dog now treats the pumpkin as his best bud and brings it with him wherever he goes.  Mondu even lies beside the pumpkin in the grass.

James said, “It has some teeth marks in it now and it’s getting a little gross.”  She adds, “He likes carrying it and flinging it around. He will throw it somewhere and attack it. He also just takes it and lays with it.”

Photo Credit: Nicolette James

Mondu’s gentleness and affection not only applies to his best friend but to everyone around him.

James said, “He is very affectionate and prefers to have some part of him touching you at all times, but overall he is pretty chill. He is also very sensitive to emotions, if you are crying he will run over from wherever he is to see what’s wrong.”

Now we wish the pumpkin was not seasonal so Mondu would have something to shower his love and attention on all the time.

Source: The Dodo