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Friendly Stray Cat Who Kept Visiting Window is Now Ready to be Adopted



  • Carlton, a stray cat, has been visiting the window of the same house for over a year.
  • Realizing that the cat wanted a better life, the residents of the house soon decided to take him to the shelter, where he has been wonderfully cared for.
  • After just a few months, Carlton is now ready to find his forever home!

A friendly stray cat named Carlton has been visiting a young teen’s house every day for over a year. Every time he drops by their window, the teen makes sure to feed him.

Photo Credit: Little Wanderers NYC

One day in May, the teen heard Carlton’s cries outside. After spotting a laceration behind his ear, she knew she had to help Carlton get a better life.

With the help of her sister, she contacted Little Wanderers NYC for assistance.

Photo Credit: Little Wanderers NYC

Lisa Scroggins, cofounder of Little Wanderers, brought Carlton to the vet, who treated his ear. They also found that Carlton was FIV-positive, a virus common in stray cats, especially males who usually fight over food and territory.

Photo Credit: Little Wanderers NYC

With the right treatments, Carlton can still lead a healthy life. But this could deter potential adopters from choosing him. It has been a popular misconception that FIV-positive and FIV-negative cats cannot live under the same roof.

But the sweet and gentle Carlton deserves nothing more than a better life filled with loving snuggles.

His foster mom, Carianne Loughlin, told The Dodo that Carlton has been such a friendly kitty: “With every single person he’s met so far, he’ll just plop on your lap or headbutt you until you give him pets. He just loves humans so much. It’s adorable.”

According to Carianne, Carlton’s perfect home would be somewhere he’s given lots of attention. While he isn’t picky with people, it’s preferable that he’ll be the only cat or living with a female cat.

Carianne added, “He warms up immediately, he loves everyone and he’s very snuggly. He’s a big boy, too. He’s like a big cuddly mountain lion.”

Photo Credit: Little Wanderers NYC

Anyone who loves snuggles will surely be lucky to have Carlton!

If you or someone you know might be interested in adopting Carlton, you can apply here. You can also help strays like Carlton get the assistance they need by donating to Little Wanderers NYC.

Source: The Dodo