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Funny Ferret Loves Anything With Velcro, Including Mom’s Computer Charger



  • Luna is a ferret and the smallest in the family but thinks she runs the house.
  • Her obsession is stealing and stashing anything with Velcro in their house.
  • Her current favorite is her mom’s computer charger which she unplugs and hides away.

Luna’s mom, Bron Davies says, “I’m not sure when we first discovered the Velcro obsession. Pretty much anything with Velcro gets dragged around the house. Including the dogs’ winter blankets, shoes with Velcro on them — anything. She is also obsessed with cupcake wrappers and inner soles of shoes.”

She gets away with it as she pretty much runs the house even if she’s the smallest member of the family and the dogs are scared of her.

She thinks that everything that has Velcro on it, belongs to her. But among all the Velcro things in the house, her mom’s computer charger is her number one obsession.  She cannot help but unplug it and run away with it. Davis said, “She can be very possessive over ‘her’ precious — think Gollum in ‘Lord of the Rings’ — and will hiss if you try and take it off her.” 

Davis said, “She will steal the computer cord at every opportunity and generally stashes it under our bed or my son’s bed.” 

There are times that Luna hides it in a different place but then, her mom always manages to find it after spending some time looking for it.  When she takes it back, Luna reluctantly gives it up with a hissing fit and wishes her mom would just let her have it.  For how can her mom not let her keep it when the dogs allow her to keep their things when she steals them?

She may be waiting for that time that her mom would let her do that but it sure has not stopped her from jumping at her mom’s computer, unplugging the charger, and stashing it away whenever and wherever she can.

Oh, Luna you Velcro obsessed ferret!

Source: The Dodo