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German Shepherd Takes Care Of Every Orphaned Fawn His Mom Takes In For Rehabilitation

Cheryl Stephen loves animals. She opened up her home to strays for as long as she could remember. Now that she is older, her simple life on the farm is filled with the animals she has rescued.

Her farm in Ohio is flocked with all sorts of animals. There are goats, sheep, a bull, and a horse. These animals are all cared for with the help of her dog, Sarge. The interesting part is that the German shepherd did not start acting all friendly with the animals his mom brings home. It is hard to believe that the dog is now this deer whisperer that tends to the injured and orphaned fawns Cheryl takes in for rehabilitation.

This 180° turnaround started after Buckwheat, the deer Cheryl took in.

“Something clicked in Sarge, and he took to Buckwheat instantly,” Cheryl said. “He wanted to be involved with every aspect of Buckwheat’s care.”

From that moment on, something changed with the dog. He was protective of Buckwheat and refused to let the other dogs go near his new friend. This went on until the day Buckwheat has recovered enough to be released back into the wild.

Sarge considered this his responsibility after that moment. The dog is committed to his role as deer protector, taking in every fawn Cheryl takes in.

 “When I walk in the door carrying a fawn, Sarge springs into action. He wants to check them over and he will frantically sniff and nose around to determine their condition,” Cheryl explained. “The fawns are drawn to Sarge and feel safe in his presence. Sarge won’t leave their side.”

The animals that spend time on their farm feel protected with the dog looking out for them, especially the fawns.

Sarge takes this after Cheryl. His caring nature is a product of her parenting style. More of their pictures with their rescued animals are posted on Instagram.

Source: Inspire More

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