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Golden Retriever Asks Newborn Baby to Play Fetch With Her In The Cutest Way [Video]



  • A dog named Luna was overjoyed when her owner gave birth to a baby girl.
  • When Martina was born, Luna tried to get the newborn to play with her.
  • It seemed that Luna doesn’t realize that Martina is still unable to throw a ball. 

This adorable dog named Luna was filled with pleasure and anticipation waiting for the birth of her newborn sister, Martina. She seemed to realize she was about to make a new best friend who can play with her.

Luna insisted on staying at mom Mara Fernanda Osterling’s side throughout the pregnancy.


Osterling said she was very curious whether the dog’s excitement would continue after the baby was born. 

“And I was pleasantly surprised,” Osterling told The Dodo.

Luna embraced Martina even more enthusiastically than Osterling had hoped as soon as she was born.


“She treats her like her sister,” their mom said. “She protects her, takes care of her and lies by her side when Marti sleeps.”

However, Luna doesn’t seem to realize is that Martina still needs to grow a little more before the true fun can begin between them.

Luna entered the room with her favorite blue ball in her mouth the other day, signaling to her owners that she wanted to play fetch.

Rather than giving it to an adult in the room, Luna gave it to Martina, clearly unaware that tossing a ball is something a newborn cannot do. 

The dog may have been baffled by Martina’s failure to understand her signal, but she seemed eager to involve the new tiny person in the fun nonetheless.

Osterling said she was moved by the realization that Luna loves Martina, even though the newborn is still unable to reciprocate.

“I know that Luna loves her very much and wants to be with her and play,” she added.


Fortunately, Martina will soon be able to fully join in playtime. For Luna, the wait will be well worth it. Seeing how attached Luna is to Martina already gives a wonderful glimpse of the lifetime of love and fun ahead of them.

“I’m sure that when Martina grows up, they will be great friends and sisters,” said Osterling. “The capacity that a little animal has to give us love is infinite. And Luna knows how to express it very well.”

Source: The Dodo