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Golden Retriever Loves Greeting People From the Roof Of Their Home [Video]

Photo Credit: @hucktheroofdog (Instagram)

When you get to visit the Lindenmuth home in Austin, Texas, don’t look down when you hear a dog barking.  Look up and you will see a Golden Retriever named Huck, happily wagging his tail and barking his greetings.

This unusual hobby has made Huck or Huckleberry– after Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn- a local celebrity. 

His mom Allie said, “Huckleberry definitely lives up to his name … loveable and mischievous.”

Allie added that the mischievous side of Huck appeared when he discovered that he could jump from the hill in their backyard and on to the roof. From there, they allowed Huck to watch the neighborhood from the roof but with supervision. 

Photo Credit: @hucktheroofdog (Instagram)

Since then, Huck has loved being up there daily.  

Allie shared, “We only allow him outside when we are home, or he would be up there all day. With his old age, we have since built him a little ramp, so he does not hurt his hips getting up there.”

Photo Credit: @hucktheroofdog (Instagram)

Huck’s roof visits have earned him local fans and more than 44,000 followers on his Instagram account @HucktheRoofDog.

Allie explained, “We started an Instagram because many people would come to our door and ask to learn more about Huck. We never thought it would grow so popular.”

Photo Credit: @hucktheroofdog (Instagram)

Drivers even do a U-turn “to confirm they, in fact, saw a dog on the roof,” added Allie.

The Lindenmuth family is happy to let Huck perch on the roof because Huck loves watching the neighbors pass by, saying “Hi” to them and enjoying the view of Austin from up there.

Allie shared that when Huck is not up there on the roof, he enjoys cuddling and swimming with his family whom he loves so much.

Photo Credit: @hucktheroofdog (Instagram)

Allie is proud to announce that Huck’s new book on his love for roofs and his caring attitude with the world is scheduled for release next year. 

Source: PEOPLE

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