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Good Samaritan Buys Ticket For Desperate Stranger



  • A man was able to get home to his family when a Good Samaritan purchased a ticket for him.
  • The man had lost his job and only wanted to get back to his family in Las Vegas, but had only $150 to his name.
  • The desperate man was having trouble explaining his situation because of his limited English skills, so the kind stranger helped him and even upgraded his ticket!

A stranger’s act of generosity helped a desperate man get home to his family.

The heartwarming scene takes place at the airport, while Fernando and his wife were waiting in the ticketing line.

They overheard a man trying to purchase a ticket to Las Vegas. But he only had $150, so the ticketing agent told him to look for other options online.

Photo Credit: Matthew Turner/Pexels

Desperate, the man tried to explain his situation to the agent. But with his limited English language skills, he found it hard to get through to her. As he became increasingly frustrated, the agent became increasingly unhelpful.

Eventually, he dejectedly turned away from the counter. It was then that Fernando went up to him to ask him what was wrong. Luckily, he also speaks Spanish so he understood the man’s story.

After losing his job in San Francisco, the man struggled to find a place to live with only $150 to his name. He decided to go to his family in Las Vegas and was told that he could get a ticket for his $150. But he didn’t have a computer, had no idea had to access the internet at the airport, and couldn’t read or understand how to look for a low fare ticket.

Airplane Ticket
Photo Credit: Torsten Dettlaff/Pexels

Without asking any more questions, Fernando decided to trust the man’s story. He simply wanted to help him.

And so, Fernando accompanied him to a counter and bought him a $330 ticket to Las Vegas.

Photo Credit: Anugrah Lohiya/Pexels

It was only a month later that Fernando’s wife came upon the charge in their credit card statement.

She asked him, “Wasn’t that ticket $240? Why is the bill $330?” To which a sheepish Fernando replied, “I upgraded him.”

Thanks to a Good Samaritan who was willing to help another, the man was given an opportunity to get to his family safely, and perhaps turn his life around.

Source: Good News Network