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Grateful Crow Becomes Rescuer’s Work Assistant [Video]



  • İsmail Atmaca was working in his booth at a mosque when he noticed that a young crow has fallen from a tree.
  • He decided to care for the crow and take it with him to work and back home.
  • The two are now inseparable — and Cabbar the crow has even learned to help his rescuer with his work!

İsmail Atmaca works as an attendant at a mosque in Turkey. Two months ago, he formed an unexpected friendship with a crow.

He was in his booth when he saw that something had fallen from a tree. When he got closer to see what happened, he spotted a young crow. It was still unable to fly, so he decided to care for it.

He brought the little crow back to his workplace and started to feed it.

Photo Credit: SABAH

After finishing work, İsmail took the crow with him back home to continue caring for it. The next day, he also took the crow with him to work. This eventually became the duo’s routine, and the crow quickly got used to it.

The crow, now named Cabbar, observed his rescuer at work. He soon learned how İsmail collected money from patrons for use of the facilities.

The curious crow first started playing with the coins in the booth. Soon, he starting receiving coin payments from customers!

Photo Credit: Romanya Haber

Cabbar and İsmail soon became inseparable. The grateful crow simply loves being by his rescuer’s side.

“He always wants to sleep on my lap,” İsmail shared. “He’s happy, and he makes me happy, too.”

Cabbar even voluntarily steps in when İsmail takes a break from work — by doing his rescuer’s work for him!

This video from their local news station offers a peek into the duo’s usual workday:

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Şanlıurfa’nın Birecik ilçesinde umumi bir tuvaletin kapısındaki kulübede bekleyip müşterilerden para alan karga görenleri şaşırtıyor. Müşteriler geldiğinde ağzını açıp para koymalarını bekleyen karga, para vermeyip gidenleri ise ses çıkararak uyarıyor.

Posted by Romanya Haber on Monday, June 28, 2021

Cabbar has grown stronger and more independent in the recent weeks — enough to return to the wild. Still, he chooses to return to İsmail and his booth, where he has found comfort.

Photo Credit: İsmail Atmaca

While İsmail has no idea when Cabbar will eventually go off on his own for good, he’s more than happy for the companionship. Having an assistant at work is just an unexpected bonus.

İsmail said, “I’m sure it’s his way of saying thanks. I’m very happy.”

Source: The Dodo