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Kid Explorers become Raccoon Savers [Video]



  • Two brothers were out exploring when they found a trapped raccoon in a collapsed animal burrow.
  • They went to get help from their dad and a wildlife rehabilitation center to save the raccoon.
  • The raccoon was released back to the woods after rescuers deemed him healthy enough.

When two kids went to explore the woods near their house, they did not expect to be heroes to a raccoon. 

As Daiton and Rylen McMillon, 14 and 12 respectively, went on their walk, they noticed a number of animal burrows, one of which had collapsed.

Around 2 to 3 feet down the collapsed hole was a struggling raccoon. They do not know how long the animal has been there but they knew the raccoon needed help. They immediately ran back to their house to get their dad’s help.

Raccon Buried Alive

????Hero Alert???? Two teens came across a raccoon buried alive, gasping for air, under dirt and cement while exploring in a wooded area. The boys immediately ran home to ask their Dad for help. Together they dug out as much dirt as they possibly could and offered water to the raccoon, all while not touching her. Once we arrived, we were all able to safely work as a team and get her back on her feet. She had “sea legs” at first, but after a several minutes, took off. Way to go Dray (Dad), Rylen, and Daiton! On a side note: two things really stuck out on this rescue. 1) The boys were outside exploring and playing in nature, which is so important. It is easy to get lost in technology. 2) The Dad said “I told my sons that I would stay up as late as I needed to in order to help free him.” We have no doubt that will stick with the boys for life.

Posted by Wild West Wildlife Rehabilitation Center on Monday, 22 March 2021

They led their dad to the location and when they arrived, the raccoon was gasping for air. Only the head and front legs of the raccoon were exposed.

Dary McMillon said, “It was very sad to see this animal struggle. My boys were very adamant that we had to save the animal.”

With a shovel and their bare hands, the father and sons worked carefully. But darkness was already falling so they had to work fast and called the Wild West Wildlife Rehabilitation Center for assistance, who promptly sent volunteers.

Soon after, they were able to free the raccoon. The poor animal was exhausted but otherwise deemed healthy enough to be set free.

There was none happier than the two boys who looked on as the raccoon found its way back to the woods. They were able to save a life!

Photo Credit: Wild West Wildlife Rehabilitation Center

McMillon said that his sons will remember the experience forever: “I could see the sense of accomplishment in my boys. They were very excited that the animal was released safely.”

Thanks to Daiton and Rylen, who did not allow the animal to be buried alive, a raccoon still roams freely. 

Source: The Dodo