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Little Corgi Tries Her Best to Reach Tall Dog on Other Side of Wall [Video]



  • Zola the corgi may have short legs, but she refuses to be held back.
  • One day, her mom found her sprinting to the wall and then jumping, over and over again.
  • It turns out that she wanted to reach and interact with the tall dog on the other side of the wall!

Meet Zola. She’s a 2-year-old corgi who refuses to accept that she’s a small dog with short legs. She definitely wouldn’t let her small stature hold her back — even from scaling a tall wall.

Photo Credit: Haley Smith

She simply wants a friend, after all.

Recently, her mom, Haley Smith, noticed how Zola would go straight to the wall every time she went out.

Haley told The Dodo, “She started really going crazy and barking at the fence, and we weren’t sure why. She would sit by the door and we would let her out, and she would sprint to the fence and start jumping. We thought it was odd.”

Haley had no idea what was happening until she spotted the face of a black and white dog peering on the other side of the wall.

Photo Credit: Haley Smith

Zola kept trying her best to jump as high as she could, but she still couldn’t reach her neighbor, Rocky.

“We peeked outside and lo and behold, she was just trying to talk to the big paws and head that were peering over at her. She really wants to get to Rocky. She will take a running leap at the fence and try to jump to his height,” Haley shared.

Photo Credit: Haley Smith

They may not be seeing eye-to-eye, but the two have met nightly ever since. While they are yet to meet without a wall between them, they still seem like they’d be the best of friends.

“Rocky is very gentle. At first he barked back at her. Now, he jumps up and just watches her quietly. He seems very curious about her,” Haley shared.

Still, Zola isn’t satisfied with their one-sided meet-ups.

She may be a little jealous that her neighbor can peek into her yard when she can’t see the other side.

Zola simply loves interacting with other dogs, and has considered reaching Rocky her ultimate challenge.

“She probably wants to know how to get to him so they can sniff and play,” Haley added.

Photo Credit: Haley Smith

Haley has confidence in Zola’s ability to reach Rocky.

She said, “Zola is too smart for her own good. She’s pretty sure she will figure out a way to get to the top of the fence.”

Source: The Dodo