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Meet the donkey who thinks he’s a dog [Video]

Photo Credit: John Nuttall/SWNS

A donkey named Kye behaves just like a dog.

He was abandoned by his mom after birth and was raised by a family with pet dogs. Now, the four-month-old responds to a whistle, fetches balls and even follows his human wherever he goes. Kye also loves lounging on the sofa and is used to wearing a diaper.

“He’s certainly a character,” owner John Nuttall said.

John owns a donkey-ride business in the U.K. He said Kye’s mother rejected him and became violent towards him. This prompted him and his partner, Gražina Pervenis to raise Kye themselves.

“I was lucky enough to be there when she was attacking him, and I managed to get him inside,” John added.

Photo Credit: John Nuttall / SWNS

They initially tried feeding Kye milk from his abusive mother, but his health began to deteriorate, so the pair took the abandoned creature home and weaned him on formula.

For the next weeks, Kye was constantly around their pet dogs. He soon began to exhibit some canine characteristics.

“I would whistle to the dogs, and so he comes to a whistle. Now, if I get in my van to go out, he’ll see it going and chase after the van.”

He added that Kye “even started playing with a ball and everything, and now, I can go for a walk down the road, and he’ll follow me like a dog.”

He chills in the house in his plus-size diaper.

Photo Credit: John Nuttall / SWNS

John hopes that one day Kye would join his fellow donkey in giving tourists rides on the beach.

But for now, he’s just grateful that Kye is getting healthier every day.

Source: Daily Mail

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