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‘Miracle’ dog hit by car at 80mph is alive with only minor injuries

Photo Credit: Jimmy Dotti/The Dodo

A stray white dog was struck by a car running at 80 mph on a highway in Italy. Miraculously, he was safe — and he survived in a way unimaginable!

Photo Credit: Jimmy Dotti/The Dodo

With his speed, the driver was expecting the worst as soon as he felt a thump. When he stopped to check it, the lucky pup actually survived. He lodged in the vehicle’s front grille, which apparently reduced the impact.

The driver called for help and soon, Jimmy Dotti of Italian Veterinary Ambulance arrived at the scene.

Photo Credit: Jimmy Dotti/The Dodo

In disbelief, Jimmy said that how the dog was saved was a miracle.

“In my many years of rescuing animals, I would say that this is one of the most miraculous cases,” he told The Dodo.

Jimmy then sedated the dog so rescuers could pull him from the car.

Photo Credit: Jimmy Dotti/The Dodo

Odds must have really been in the dog’s favor as he only had minor injuries and his tests showed that he had no any brain or spinal damage.

Besides a fractured front leg, the lucky pup was basically unharmed.

Named as Paraflu by rescuers, the dog was on his road to recovery. Though it would take time for his leg to fully mend, Paraflu remained positive. There was not a moment he was seen with such gloom.

Photo Credit: Jimmy Dotti/The Dodo

It was still unknown how Paraflu ended up alone in the dangerous roadway. If there’s anything clear, it would be his bright future ahead — with a loving home waiting for him.

“Paraflu is a really good dog,” Jimmy said. “He will make the family who adopts him very happy.”

Source: The Dodo

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