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Non-Muslims Shield Muslims From Police As They Pray During Black Lives Matter Protest



  • Non-Muslims link their arms together to create a human wall to protect Muslims from NYPD police officers.
  • The people have forwarded their voices of dissent as the police continue to abuse their authority.
  • The protestors shared an empowering message on social media: the people will not be divided at a time like this.

Hundreds of people link their arms together to create a human wall in Brooklyn. This is to protect the Muslims on their knees, praying during a Black Lives Matter protest. Non-Muslims protected them from the New York Police Department (NYPD) officers at the scene.

The protestors on Thursday shared this empowering message on social media. The people will not be divided at a time like this.

This comes at a time when the people come out in force to protest police brutality. Before this, state and city governments have imposed curfews that opened the doors for the excessive use of force as people choose to ignore curfews in order to fight for their rights.

The police fired rubber and pepper bullets on civilians and used tear gas to disperse crowds that gathered to protest police brutality. Trump incited this over-application of force. The president threatened military intervention in response to the protests that intend to see an end to police brutality and systemic racism.

Former Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis released a public statement, responding to the comments made by the president. “Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people— does not even pretend to try. Instead, he tries to divide us,” he said.

The march took three hours and covered 7 miles. Nearing the end of the protest, Muslims went down on their knees to pray as hundreds of people gather around to protect them from the police. This is a clear message from the people: America fights together for human and civil rights.

Muslim Civil Rights Activist Stance Grounded posted the video online. “Non-Muslims surround Muslims so they can pray safely from the harm of the NYPD during a Black Lives Matter protest in Brooklyn, New York. I LOVE THIS. THIS IS HUMANITY!” the caption reads.

“They were really prepared to get tear-gassed, maced, shot w/ rubber bullets just so fellow humans could pray in peace. If that isn’t LOVE, I don’t know what is. If that isn’t HOPE, I don’t know what is,” he said.

Source: Tank’s Good News