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NYC Landlord Waived Tenants’ April Rent From All His 80 Apartments Amid Crisis [Video]



  • Mario Salerno, a landlord from NY City decided to waive the rental fee of his apartments for April.
  • This kind deed was a great help for his tenants who lost their jobs as business closed amid the coronavirus pandemic.
  • The landlord has always been known for being kind within their community.

A landlord from Brooklyn decided to not collect rent from his tenants for the month of April amid the current health crisis, and he has been praised for this noble decision.

Mario Salerno, from New York City, owns about 80 apartments in Williamsburg and Greenpoint. On March 30, he left a note for his renters which says, “Due to the recent pandemic of Coronavirus COVID-19 affecting all of us, please note I am waiving rent for the month of April,” the NBC New York reported.

“Stay safe, help your neighbors and wash your hands,” it further says.

Mario told NBC New York that he simply wants everyone to stay safe and healthy during this time of coronavirus pandemic.

“That’s the whole thing,” he said.

Photo Credit: NBC News

For him, he considers it more important that people stay healthy and prioritize their money to put food on their table. So he told them not to worry about him but instead “worry about your neighbor and worry about your family.”

His selfless deed was certainly a big help to his tenants. “He’s Superman,” says Kaitlyn Guteski, one of his renters.

Kaitlyn was one of those who was laid off after the hair salon where she worked was closed for the time being.

Gentile, another resident, told The New York Times, Mario is an amazing person and that seldom you will see something like that between tenants and landlord relationships in NY.

Photo Credit: SalernoAutoSales (Youtube)

Gentile also lost his job as a lawyer when the small firm for personal injury where he worked has stopped operations. Now, he is trying to make ends meet and the waiving of the April’s rent was a big relief.

“It has alleviated a huge amount of stress that I have been having with the unemployment system in the state,” he said.

Apparently this is not the first time the landlord was known for his kindness in his community.

Mario, who also manages a gas station he inherited from his father, had helped people affected by Hurricane Sandy back in 2012.

In a video on Youtube, he explains how he tries to help people through his small business. “I also lowered the price of gasoline … I don’t want to gauge, that’s not of me. I’m a New Yorker. I take care of first responders, I take care of children. I want everyone to just try and hold on together,” he said.

Source: PEOPLE