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Playful Cat Trolls Mom on Doorbell Camera [Video]



  • When Norma Maikovich kept getting notifications on her phone from the doorbell camera, it made her worry as to what could be tripping it.
  • It turned out that her cat Ace managed to go outside to chase leaves in their front yard.
  • Ace, whose favorite season is fall, made sure to make the most of his time outdoors when the door was accidentally left open.

A doorbell camera has allowed homeowners to keep track of what’s happening on their front porch — whether there are packages delivered, visitors, or even trespassers. When Norma Maikovich installed her doorbell camera, she kept receiving notifications on her phone. But what was thought to be worrying turned out to make her smile instead!

Norma shared, “Come Monday, I was at work and started getting notifications on my phone every few minutes. I finally checked them, and the majority were little video clips of Ace out front, chasing leaves and playing on the front porch!”

Ace, the doorbell camera tripper, is their beloved family cat.

Norma shared that Ace loves lounging and bird-watching on their back porch. His favorite season is the fall, especially when “leaves fall all around and onto the porch. He’ll spend hours chasing them.”

While their back porch was screened in, Ace would find ways to get out if given the chance. 

Photo Credit: Norma Maikovich

This time, while working from home, Norma’s husband accidentally let Ace out. The kitty took his chance at freedom!

Norma shared, “Along with the clips of Ace, were clips of my husband trying to wrangle him back inside. In between his meetings, he kept going out there to try and get him to come back inside.”

Photo Credit: Norma Maikovich

Just as he finds ways to get out, Ace also has many antics to stay outside longer and avoid giving in to his Dad’s coaxing to get back inside. But with the temperature dropping and the snow falling, Ace really does need to be indoors to keep warm and comfortable.

Norma added, “He’s quite sad that the weather is turning colder because that means snow and he won’t be able to enjoy his porch until spring.”

Photo Credit: Norma Maikovich

Though the Maikovich couple has already changed the notification settings on the doorbell camera, Ace has no idea how his antics have cheered his mom.

Norma said, “It just made my day, looking at my phone and seeing these little clips of Ace having a fun time outside.” 

Source: The Dodo