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Puppy-Stealing Cat Has The Most Heart-melting Reason For The Crime [Video]



  • Miss Kitty had a litter of kittens at the same time that a neighbor’s cocker spaniel had her own pups.
  • Miss Kitty’s kittens all perished and she was left longing to nurture her own babies.
  • When she learned that the mama cocker spaniel was not taking care of her puppies and they were in danger of dying, she stole them one by one and nursed them.

Mother’s really have the best interest of their kids at heart — even when they are not her own.

Miss Kitty always wanted to have kittens of her own.  But when she had a litter, they all passed away.  It left her devastated.  Her maternal instincts to nurture babies had nowhere to be doted on.

Photo Credit: ibequeen (YouTube)

But a neighbor’s cocker spaniel also had her own litter of pups at the same time that Miss Kitty had hers. And from her observations, the pup did not seem to have her motherly instincts and just did not take care of her pups.  If the momma dog did not take care of her kids, the pups would have no chance of surviving.  That’s when Miss Kitty acted to save the pups.

Photo Credit: ibequeen (YouTube)

One by one, she stole the black puppies by their necks and crossed the yards between their house to the neighbor.  That is also when the neighbor, Linda Blackwell, saw what was going on under their noses.

Blackwell said, “I guess Miss Kitty, after her kittens died, she felt the need when they were whining and all to take over.” Blackwell added, “I saw Miss Kitty going across the yard with one of the little puppies in her mouth. And Miss Kitty went back and got another one and picked it up and she kept bringing them across the yard until she had all of them over there.”

Photo Credit: Lotsacats9 (YouTube)

Miss Kitty gently laid each one in the underbelly of an old vehicle and groomed and nursed the poor pups.  She had babies!  It did not matter to her that they were puppies and not kittens — they were hers.

Veterinarian Dr. Andrew Holland said, “We see cats adopting other kittens and we see dogs adopting other puppies, but very seldom do you see one species nursing off a different species.” Unusual but it does happen.  Miss Kitty can attest to that. She’s not a criminal.  Just a loving mama. 

Source: Inspire More