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Rescuer Helps Sick Stray Kitten Transform into Gorgeous Fluffy Cat



  • When Nur Hamizah Had first met Meimei, the stray kitten was malnourished and covered in dirty sores.
  • She knew she had to care for the sick kitten, so she took her to the vet and learned how to help her recover.
  • As Meimei started to eat and have a better life with Hamizah Had, she transformed from a sick, 4-pound gangly cat to a gorgeous, 13-pound fluffy house cat!

Nur Hamizah Had from Malaysia noticed a tuft of white fur under her car one day just about a year ago. It turned out to be a very sick stray kitten.

Sick Stray Kitten
Photo Credit: Facebook/Nur Hamizah Had

The poor kitten was dirty, nearly skin and bones, almost bald, and covered in sores. She gave off an awful smell, but instead of turning the kitten away, Hamizah Had decided that she had to help.

“She looked very poor and was begging me to help her. I was so touched the first time I saw her,” Hamizah Had told The Dodo. “I told myself, ‘If she can survive, I will take care of her and love her as much as I can.’”

Sick Stray Kitten
Photo Credit: Facebook/Nur Hamizah Had

The kitten appeared too sick to survive, but Hamizah Had saw a fighter. So she got a cardboard box to entice the kitten, who surprisingly made herself at home.

She brought the kitten inside her home and named her Meimei. She then took her to the vet the next day.

Weighing only 4 pounds, Meimei was covered in open sores and other skin issues. She needed treatment, so Hamizah Had asked how to help her recover.

Sick Stray Kitten
Photo Credit: Facebook/Nur Hamizah Had

Meimei’s appearance gradually improved as she received the nourishment, care, and love that she so badly needed.

Photo Credit: Facebook/Nur Hamizah Had

Slowly, her fur grew back nicely.

Photo Credit: Facebook/Nur Hamizah Had

In just five months, the 4-pound gangly kitten blossomed into a 13-pound fluffy house cat!

Photo Credit: Facebook/Nur Hamizah Had

Hamizah Had shared, “She likes to eat, she likes to sleep, she likes to play around my house. But if she sees someone not familiar, she will run and hide.”

Photo Credit: Facebook/Nur Hamizah Had

Meimei blossomed thanks to Hamizah Had! She hopes that it will show everyone that any stray kitten can become a princess with just a little love.

You can learn more about Meimei’s story and amazing transformation on Facebook.

Source: The Dodo