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Senior Cat Was About To Be Put To Sleep Until Potential New Mom Met Him



  • Lahmia Mareeal Marano was not planning on adopting a senior cat but when she learned Maxx was to be put to sleep while in perfect health, she just had to bring him home.
  • Maxx has proven to be a loving cat who follows his mom everywhere, guards her and reminds her he loves her.
  • Lahmia thinks that Maxx is an unexpected blessing.

Maxx is a 16-year-old cat that was brought into a vet clinic by its owner to be put to sleep.  The Vet clinic staff were desperate to save him by finding him a home since Maxx was perfectly healthy.

One of the staff texted Lahmia Mareeal Marano a photo of Maxx and told her Maxx’s fate if no one would bring him home.  Lahmia said, “On that Thursday, I was told that if Maxx didn’t find a home, then he would be put to sleep at the owner’s request. I just couldn’t let that happen, so I got in my car the next day and drove the hour and a half to get him.”

Photo Credit: Lahmia Mareeal Marano

Lahmia recalled that when she first met Maxx at the clinic, he was very upset and chatty, but in a way, knew that she was there to help him. “He immediately butted my head. At that moment, I knew he was meant to be mine,” added Lahmia.

Photo Credit: Lahmia Mareeal Marano

Maxx also calmed down around her, as if he knew Lahmia was there to save him. And she brought home Maxx in spite of the previous owner’s list of complaints about him which he has proven to be wrong.

Photo Credit: Lahmia Mareeal Marano

Ever since he arrived at his new home, he has adjusted well and has now become his mom’s shadow.  From day one, he follows Lahmia everywhere and guards her while she takes her shower.  He also does not forget to remind his mom that he loves her.

Photo Credit: Lahmia Mareeal Marano

Lahmia said, “Maxx settled in the pack very quickly and soon found his favorite spot: the sink. He’s very chatty and we have full conversations sometimes. I think he understands that he’s safe with me.”

Maxx’s adoption may not have been planned but the stars aligned for him to be Lahmia’s blessing.  Have a happy life, Maxx!

Source: The Dodo