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Smart Cat Alerts His Owner He Wants To Come Inside By Using the Doorbell [Video]



  • A video of a cat meowing in front of the doorbell camera to signal he wants to come in has proven a study that cats react to their owner’s voices.
  • The experiment showed that the cats had dilated pupils, perked ears and wagged their tails and stopped what they were doing when they heard their owner’s voice compared to hearing strangers’ voices.
  • The cat in the video, Izzy, knew that his owner Amanda would be alerted to his meow at the doorbell and would know he wants to come in.

In a study conducted by the Paris Nanterre University, they found out that cats respond differently to the sound of their owner’s voice than that of a stranger.

The experiment had 16 cats who listened to pre-recorded sentences of their owner and strangers. The cats changed their behavior by the way they dilated their pupils, stopped what they were doing or moved their ears or tails when they heard their owners’ voices.  They did not respond or give attention to other people’s voices.

The study also proved the importance of the bond between a cat and its owner.

Photo by Ajeet Panesar on Unsplash

And a smart cat named Izzy is a perfect example of this bond as he uses their video doorbell to let his owner know that he wants to come inside the house.

The long-haired male ginger cat Izzy can be seen climbing their wisteria archway to reach the doorbell at their home in Norfolk in England, U.K.

Izzy meows while on top of the letterbox, and when his mom Amanda asks: “Who is there?”, Izzy meows more to confirm it is him.

Photo by Fernando Vega on Unsplash

Amanda is heard saying: “I’m here,” while Izzy sniffs around. But when Amanda says, “Do you want to come in?” Izzy meows again.

And this is not the first time that the clever cat has done this. Izzy has learned that when someone comes near the door, the ring camera’s advanced motion detection feature alerts Amanda. So, he lets her know when he wants to come in with his meows.

You are so clever, Izzy!

Source: Newsweek