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Stray Ginger Tabby Cat Turns Out To Be An Affectionate Baby

Photo Credit: Marie Simard

On a cold day, a bedraggled orange tabby knocked on the door and heart of a good Samaritan who turned his life around.

The foster volunteer just looked at the cat’s sad face and immediately messaged Marie Simard of the Un Chat à la Fois a photo of the cat.  The sanctuary was not taking in adult cats but when Simard saw it, she told her to take the cat to their partner clinic to be evaluated.

Photo Credit: Marie Simard

The cat did not even try to get away.

True enough, the cat really needed help upon evaluation of the vet. He was suffering from frostbite, diabetes, rotten teeth, was covered in bite wounds, and fleas and ticks.  The intervention was just in time as if he did not come in that moment, he would not have survived another freezing winter.

Photo Credit: Marie Simard

The cat was happy to be with people as he was very nice to the clinic employees. Simard said, “He would take his paw out of the cage at the vet so the people would pet him.”

He was treated at the clinic for his various ailments and Simard named him Aslan after the lion in the Chronicles of Narnia series. He was later released to live in a foster home after his health improved.

Photo Credit: Marie Simard

With Aslan’s good nature, he became close to his mom’s other cats.  He also did not forget to show his mom how happy he was to be in a safe and warm home every day.

Simard said, “He’s a very affectionate cat. He likes to sleep close to his foster mom.”

Photo Credit: Marie Simard

But he also liked sleeping next to his new sister and fellow rescue cat, Cleo.  They would alternately groom each other.  Which is why when it was time to look for their forever homes, they came as a pair.

Simard said, “It made sense to have them stay together — two rescue cats who had a tough life.”

And now, after a year, Aslan’s family thinks he is the best Valentine’s gift they could ask for.

Source: The Dodo

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