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Tired And Thirsty Hummingbird Asks Woman In Her Workshop For Help [Video]



  • Artist Chloe Barcelou found a bird in her workshop that needed her help.
  • She and her partner made a water and sugar mixture which they offered to the bird using a spoon.
  • The bird drank its fill and when it recovered, it flew outside and returned the next day to say thank you to Barcelou.

Artist Chloe Barcelou was about to start another day of creating masterpieces in her studio when a bird flew in.

She was used to birds seeing hummingbirds in her neighborhood but not up close.  This one was alone and it was unusual for the bird to just go near a person.

She thought that the tiny hummingbird must be in trouble.  Barcelou said, “I think he came to ask me for help. He flew and perched right next to me.”

Photo Credit: @chloebarcelou (Instagram)

While worried that the hummingbird needed help, she was also excited to be in close range of the beautiful bird. Barcelou said, “It looked like a little fairy!”

The bird was just too tired and thirsty. She called on her partner for a sugar-water mixture and with a spoon, they fed it to the bird. They kept on feeding it until he could not take any more of the mixture. And within just a couple of minutes, it opened its eyes.  And from there, the bird was energized again, enough for it to be able to fly.

Photo Credit: @chloebarcelou (Instagram)

Barcelou thought that it was exactly what the bird needed— water, sugar and rest.

The following day, the bird was back outside their home and Barcelou thought that it came back to say thank you for helping it.

Photo Credit: @chloebarcelou (Instagram)

Barcelou said, “That’s just my personal intuition, that it was the same bird with a message, because it looked the same. It just seemed fitting that it would have come back and said thank you!”

You did a great job. Thank you! 

Source: The Dodo