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UPS Driver receives a huge thank you from a Pennsylvania town [Video]



  • Residents of Dauphin, Indiana bonded to say thank you to their UPS driver Chad Turns.
  • They were able to raise $1,000 and presented it to Turns in a big card signed by all the residents.
  • Chad Turns believes that all UPS drivers deserve to be thanked in the same way for their service during the pandemic.

The pandemic has kept people inside their homes and relying on delivery service for a lot of their needs.  UPS drivers who have worked through this year of the pandemic deserve a break and a thank you.  And the residents of the small town of Dauphin, Pennsylvania did just that for Chad Turns.

The residents surprised him with a $1,000 gift!

Jenny Shickley organized a special event for Turns after fellow Facebook group mates commented on Turns’ good job.

Posted by Adam Bryce on Tuesday, 2 March 2021

Shickley said, Turns is known by the residents for his thoughtfulness and kindness, in spite of the long hours he has rendered during the pandemic.  She added that even her dogs get treats from Turns when he delivers packages.

As a means to say thank you to Turns for taking care of them the whole year, she rallied her fellow residents and was able to raise $1,000. They gave it to Turns with a large card which everyone in the community signed.

When Turns was presented with the card and the residents clapped and yelled, “Thank You, Chad!”, Turns could not help but be overwhelmed and shed tears.

Photo Credit: Adam Bryce (Facebook)

Turns said, “I’m still overwhelmed and it is touching that this community feels so strongly about me.”

He believes that all UPS drivers deserve the same thanks from their communities.  He promises to pay it forward by continuing to deliver excellent service.

In a statement, UPS spokesperson Jackie Fajt said, “Chad is a great UPSer and has been delivering to Dauphin residents for more than a decade. Celebrations like this really highlight the bond our drivers have with their customer base. We appreciate that UPS drivers like Chad are being recognized for how they are moving our world forward.”

Source: CNN