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Visual and Hearing-Impaired Dog Found And Brought Home To Mom

Photo Credit: Sherri Storoshenko

The entire neighborhood of Surrey, British Columbia, Canada was definitely on their toes to bring back a Labrador mix called Sheba when she disappeared.

Her mom, Sherri Storoshenko was so worried about her as she has had her since she was a teenager.  Now 16 and with seeing and hearing problems, Sheba was difficult to find.

According to Sherri, Sheba is quite a character. “She’s so full of adventure, she loves to go outdoors with me. She’s my sidekick, 100 percent, she’s always by my side.”

Photo Credit: Global News

And this time, she just decided to take a walk and go exploring.  When the community heard about Sheba missing, they immediately searched for her until 2am to no avail.

Sherri said, “I had neighbors on bicycles, others walking their dog hoping that their dog would find her. That night, there were probably about 30 people out searching for her.”

And for seven days, the flyers, door-to-door search and Petsearchers Canada, could not find her. 

Photo Credit: Global News

But just when she lost hope, Sherri got a text message that Sheba was found!

Nicole Lunde and Cali Martinez noticed a dog while they were enjoying the sunset view at their neighboring park.

They found Sheba without a collar and shivering so they scooped her up.  That is when they saw the photo of Sheba posted on a pole, and brought her to Sherri’s home.

Photo Credit: Sherri Storoshenko

Sherri said, “The second I saw through the door that it was her, I broke down in tears and dropped and was a big, bawling baby.”

Although dehydrated and confused, the important thing was Sheba was home and safe.

Thanks to Sherri and Sheba’s Surrey neighborhood, the pair are now together again. 

Source: Inspire More

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