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Watch this Adorable Squirrel Excitedly Open Her Present [Video]


Meet little Thumbelina the squirrel. She was still a tiny pink baby when she was taken in by wildlife rehabbers after her home was destroyed by nearby construction works.


She was supposed to be released back into the wild after growing up, but she exhibited some developmental and health concerns that prompted her family to keep her for a while longer.

Her website reads, “Release is never out of the question, but for now, she has a long way to go.”

Her family makes sure she lives a happy life surrounded by all the things she loves: little stuffed toys, wet paper towels, a pink donut bed, and her most favorite, avocados.


Thumbelina was showered with presents last Christmas. She happily opened every single one! But her family knew her best and saved the best present for last.

The excited Thumbelina couldn’t unwrap that present any faster! She was so happy to have another one of her most favorite things in the world.

Her mom, Christina, told The Dodo, “She was in shock for a moment and then her eyes lit up and [she] dug in. She’s only allowed to have a little bit at a time, but it was Christmas and Santa wanted her to have it, so she got an extra few bites before we took it away to save for later.” 


Thumbelina had the best Christmas ever!

She may be going back out into the wild someday, but for now, she’s perfectly content and happy with her loving family. Especially when they spoil her like this!

Learn more about Thumbelina on her Instagram account. 

Source: The Dodo

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