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Cute Animals

Woman Mistakenly Picks Up Wrong Dog from Pet Groomer



  • A woman who took a picture of her “sweet” dog after picking it up from a grooming salon was surprised to see him glaring at her.
  • On closer inspection, she found out that she picked up the wrong dog.
  • The woman was later reunited with her dog who probably had no idea what just happened.

Tykesha Cherry loves her dog Lucky so much that nothing can keep them apart.

But an honest mistake almost separated the two.

The 10-month-old Maltese poodle has curly, white, soft fur that Tykesha loves so much. When Lucky’s hair had gotten too long, she made an appointment at their local pet groomer in Chesapeake, Virginia.

Photo Credit: Tykesha Cherry

When the grooming salon called Tykesha to inform her that Lucky was ready to be picked up, she headed right over. She asked the lady at the front desk for Lucky.

“She started bringing a dog towards me, and I thought he looked off a bit,” Cherry told The Dodo. “But I thought to myself it was probably because he just got his hair cut off.”

Tykesha put the dog inside her car and gave him another look. She thought the groomer had cut Lucky’s hair a little shorter than usual. She’s convinced that’s the reason why he looked a little different.

But when she took a picture of her “sweet” dog, she was surprised to see him glaring at her.

Photo Credit: Tykesha Cherry

“I kept calling him Lucky, and he never responded,” Tykesha said. 

Also, the dog’s behavior didn’t match up to Lucky.

Convinced it wasn’t Lucky, Tykesha carried him back to the groomer.

The groomer was standing saw them and greeted the dog in her arms, “Hi, Bentley!”

It was not Lucky, after all.

Photo Credit: Tykesha Cherry

Happy ending. Bentley is now back with his owner, and Tykesha got Lucky back, too.

“I just knew it was him. All the same personalities that I remembered came rushing in at once. It was a beautiful reunion, really,” Tykesha said. “It’s amazing how we can tell so much about a person (doggies included) without even realizing.”

Photo Credit: Tykesha Cherry

The groomer was horrified by the mix-up and apologized.

“I’m happy Lucky didn’t see me leave with the other dog,” Tykesha added.

Source: MSN