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Pet chicken hatches a duckling no one knows from where [Video]



  • Courtney and Caleb Sugarman decided to pet some ducks and chickens.
  • Soon after, the couple noticed one of their chickens sitting on a duck egg, but just shrugged it off.
  • To the Sugarmans’ surprise, they saw a duck beak coming out from under the sitting hen. The mother chicken just hatched a duckling!

Courtney and Caleb Sugarman decided to pet some ducks to keep them occupied during the pandemic. In April, they adopted six ducks and three silkie chickens to care for.

Photo Credit: Courtney Sugarman/The Dodo

It was a breeze for the couple to look after these feathery and furry babies.

The ducks and chickens were mostly kept to themselves until early November, when Courtney noticed that one of their chickens was sitting on a duck egg.

She was completely clueless how the duck egg got there. “We naively thought that nothing could happen, so we just let the broody hen be,” Courtney said.

A couple of weeks later, the chicken laid seven of her own eggs, along with the duck egg. And she was sitting on all of them to make sure they were all warm and safe.

Photo Credit: Courtney Sugarman/The Dodo

“We let her and the eggs stay out in the coop and, to be honest, I still wasn’t convinced that any of the eggs would hatch. Then, in December, I checked under the mama and she hatched one of the chicken eggs,” Courtney said.

To keep the mother hen and her eggs from the freezing winter cold, the couple placed them inside their home, where it was cozy and warm. Soon after, more and more chickens began to hatch.

Photo Credit: Courtney Sugarman/The Dodo

To the Sugarmans’ surprise, they saw a duck beak coming out from under the sitting hen. The mother chicken just hatched a duckling!

The couple continued to watch in amazement, bizarrely waiting for a reaction from the chicken. The hen didn’t seem to notice, though, any difference between the yellow duckling and her other fluffy, white chicks.

“She treated the duckling just like the other chicks,” Courtney shared.

As the duck began to grow, the difference seemed to be more obvious by the day. But the duckling looked unbothered, thinking he’s just “one of the guys.”

“It acts as if it’s just a big chick,” Courtney said.

The cutest thing about it is that “the duck would still try to lay under Mama even though it didn’t fit.”

Photo Credit: Courtney Sugarman/The Dodo

Eventually, the mother hen was put back out in the coop as she became restless inside. Without mama hen, the siblings — the chicks and the duckling — remained clingy and sweet.

“The chicks now cuddle up with the duck since it’s now as big (maybe bigger) than Mama,” Courtney said.

“I think it’s going to end up hanging out with the chickens more. It doesn’t love to swim like the others did when they were this young. It just kind of floats around peeping and squawking until we put it back with the chicks,” she added.

Source: The Dodo